According to the information on my blog, I haven't entered anything since May 24, 2012. I'm not sure that I remember how this works, but since I'm leaving May 8, 2013, I decided that doing a trial run from home might be a good idea.
I'm traveling with my good friend Eunice Ellis this time, and our itinerary is as follows: Leave Wichita at 11:00 a.m. May 8, arriving in Atlanta at 2:06. We leave Atlanta at 3:10, arriving in Charles DeGaulle airport at 6:10 am.m May 9. We leave CDG at 7:20, arriving in Florence Italy at 9:20 a.m.
We have an apartment overlooking the Arno, near the Ponte Vecchio. We will be there until May 14 when we take a night train to Paris, arriving May 15 a little after 10:00 a.m. We have an apartment there, which we rented in the fall of 2011. It's located on rue de l'Odeon in the Latin Quarter. Again, we will spend five days there. On May 20, we will take a train to Beaune in Burgundy (La Bourgogne) where we have an apartment for three days. We have been informed by the people in charge that it is in the center of town and that we will not need a car. We return to Paris May 23, and Eunice will go to a hotel at the CDG airport so that she can meet her daughter Katy, son-in-law Carl, and granddaughters Channing and Madeliene. I have rented a studio apartment on rue de Conde, one block over from the apartment on rue de l'Odeon. This is the same street that I lived on when I attended summer classes at the Sorbonne in 1984, so it's an area where I feel comfortable. Eunice will be able to leave her large bag in my studio apartment and just take her back pack to the hotel at the airport. When they return, they will be staying at a hotel on the Isle St. Louis, which is walking distance from my studio apartment. That weekend--two days later, I will take the train to Orleans to spend Saturday and Sunday with my friends the Legentil familly, with whom I stayed in 1988. So this is our 25th anniversary.

The photo on the right was taken in 2011 at the home of Bernard and Christiane Legentil. Their daughter Fabienne is in the center, Eunice on the left and Carol on the right. Eunice in the photo below is in the same apartment where we will stay this time, enjoying some bread and cheese along with some French wine to wash it down.