I'm sitting in the Yulara Airport waiting to board a plane to Sydney where we'll spend the night before boarding a plane to Houston. The trip from Houston to Sydney was 17 1/2 hours. The trip back to Houston from Sydney is only 16 1/2 hours--tailwind. This small airport is full of people. We didn't immediately find 3 seats together, but finally lucked out.
I have been singled out to be scanned on the way as well as again today. I'm beginning to wonder if I look dishonest. I suppose grandmotherly types might be the ones drug smugglers would use to carry their contraband into the country.
I have been singled out to be scanned on the way as well as again today. I'm beginning to wonder if I look dishonest. I suppose grandmotherly types might be the ones drug smugglers would use to carry their contraband into the country.