Monday, April 9, 2018

On May 5th, my friends Barbara and Herb and I leave for Australia. I will continue my blog once we arrive.


  1. I've been packing for the last 3 days, trying to think of everying that I will need while I'm gone. I don't think I can put much more in my suitcase, so I guess that'll have to do for this trip.

  2. Tuesday AM
    We arrived yesterday--Monday here, but 15 hours later than Wichita time. The trip from Houston to Sydney was almost 17 ours. One of the stewards told me that that's the 3rd longest trip in the world. After we arrived in Sydney, we had a 4 hour lay-over before boarding the plane for Hervey Bay--another 2 hours. I was really tired by the time we arrived at Barbara's mother's house. I'm staying across the street with Ron and Sue--very nice people. I'm in love with my bed. It's more comfortable that the one I have at home. The weather here is wonderful--sub-tropical. It rained really hard last night for a short time, but today the sun is out, and no sign of rain. I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today, but I'm sure that someone will me in eventually. I'll report regularly--as I have anything to report.
