Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12,
Eunice and I went over to Brunelleschi's Duomo this morning, We were not able to go inside because they were having Mass. Unlike French Cathedrals, Italian Cathedrals evidently don't want tourists wandering up and down the asiles during their services--even if they might spend a euro to light a candle or something. We did go inside the Baptristry, which was interesting, but we didn't stay long. What we enjoyed the most was the Museum, which houses the original "Gates of Paradise," designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti. They were originally on the outside of the Baptristry, but hey were seriously deteriorating, so they were removed and renovated, then housed inside the museum. We also saw Michelangelo's Pieta in that museum as well as lots of other interesting sculptures. Perhaps the most interesting were replicas of the models for the cathedral as well as replicas of the scaffolding and some of the tools.
Since we had arranged for a trip to Pisa at 1:30, we headed toward the meeting place and stopped and had a nice lunch of pizza, wine, gelato, and "coffee American." I hate to complain, but these Italians do not really understand what is American coffee.  We drank it anyway and even enjoyed it.
The trip to Pisa took about 1 1/2 hours. Both Eunice and I had anticipated seeing the Tuscan countryside, and I suppose we did, although we were both a little disappointed. I suppose we're just dyed in the wool Francophiles. We were expecting this countryside to look like the south of France and it doesn't. Perhaps the monetary troubles that Italy has had has prevented them from keeping up appearances.
We did, however, enjoy Pisa and its leaning Tower. In the area is a Baptristy, a Cathedral, and the leaning Tower. I have lots of photos, but my Samsung Tablet doesn't seem to want to display these photos. When I get home, I will do one more blog with photos and short notes.
We got home a little after seven, stopped by the ATM and the grocery store, and you wouldn't believe the line we stood in to pay for a mellon and some Gorgonzola, which is absolutely wonderful. The melon as well as the Gorgonzola are wonderful. We have eaten lots of cheese, prosciutto, and melon. This morning for breakfast,we had "French toast" or as the French callit "pain perdu (lost bread). The only coffee maker we have is an espresso pot, so I made espresso and heated up a lot of milk. We didn't have any syrup, so we had apribot jam on it--very tasty.

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